In the Banlieues/Centering the Margin: Saint-Denis/Oakland


Tuesday, August 23, 2022 6:00PM - 8:00PM PDT

SPUR Urban Center

654 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA

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SPUR’s new exhibition, created in partnership with le Pavillon de l’Arsenal in Paris, explores the symbolic reversal of the relationship between a region’s central city and its periphery cities, or banlieues — specifically, pairing the cities of San Francisco and Paris with neighboring Oakland and Saint-Denis, respectively. In recent years, Oakland and Saint-Denis have experienced a dramatic evolution, with striking social, urban and cultural similarities that have drawn them into their own prominence. These two cities, some of the most diverse in their respective countries, have become places of cultural and social innovation, where new forms of solidarity are emerging and new ways of sharing ideas and mobilizing communities are being invented. In the Banlieues seeks to deconstruct the similarities and differences between these cities and their relationship with their larger siblings by shedding light on the issues pertinent to each, such as poverty and gentrification. Come explore stories and insights from these communities, and learn how each place is fostering inclusivity while addressing pressing challenges that result from the nature of being a banlieue.